2024 Youth Camp’s Theme & Speaker


The Bible makes one thing perfectly clear: Followers of Jesus are known for living a life of discipleship to Jesus Christ.

Discipulus is an old Latin word that describes the relationship between a young, immature, untrained individual and their master, from whom they learn the ins and outs of life. Following Jesus today means that we will seek to be disciples of Jesus Christ. Yet, coming to Jesus as his disciples requires some things, it means some things for us, it costs us some things, and it guarantees a particular blessing for us, too.

So we will be led by our camp speaker, Jay Leibold, to spend this week focused on this one thing, being faithful followers. Come and be Jesus’ disciple. Come and see what He has done for sinners. Come and See God’s true king, God’s true man. Come see true humanity on display. Come and submit to this king, align your life with him, and believe in him. Trust him with all of your life.

And if you've been to OneThing before, you know we're going to run around a little too!

Set in the lower Rocky Mountains, Glorieta has a lake, mud pit, hiking trails, a gym, and more. We’ll also have group games, so bring your A-game! With five days of camp, you’ll have plenty of time to explore, rest after a hard school year, hang out with friends and make new friends.

Jay Leibold

UNM Christian Challenge Director

Jay Leibold, a member of Desert Springs Church, is married to Elise, and they have two children, Sawyer and Parks. He is also the UNM Christian Challenge director. Besides being a gifted communicator, Jay is a faithful evangelist, and the Lord has blessed his efforts to equip students to share the gospel.